Project Artcast: Episode 001 – Introductions

Recorded a long, long time ago but in the same galaxy comes the first episode of Project Artcast. A show about nothing…or Art n’ Stuff.

Starring, Janet Mills, Brandon Engel, Michael Pysh, and Michael Shukis.

Janet Mills
Janet Mills

Project Artcast is:
“In-depth questions about what makes the artist tick, why they think they should tick, and does anyone care if they tick. mixed with a smattering of foul language, crassness and knowing us, some controversy and excessive doses of wryness . potentially some hero worship pandering and drooling depending on the guest / host dynamic.”

Michael Pysh
Michael Pysh
Michael Shukis
Michael Shukis

For more info about the various hosts check out the links on the left hand side. <–

It’s been a blast so far, and we have a bunch of great things coming down the pipe, stay tuned.

By Subscribing.

Music gracefully and gratefully supplied by Plecostomus. Check them out here:

And now without further ado, episode 1:

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